Security for everyone

Validation: CTEM Process - Part 5


Security for Everyone


Welcome back to our exploration of Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM).

In Part 1, we discussed what CTEM is and why we need it.

In Part 2, we focus on the process's cornerstone: scoping.

In Part 3, we delved into the core of the process: discovery.

In Part 4, we had a discussion regarding the importance of prioritization.

The next crucial step in the CTEM framework is validation.

What is the Validation step in CTEM?

In the realm of Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), validation involves a systematic process of confirming the exploitability of identified vulnerabilities, analyzing potential attack pathways, and assessing the responsiveness of existing mitigation plans.

Validation in CTEM is a dynamic process, not a one-time task.

Lets consider this from the larger perspective.

  1. In scoping you identified assets in CTEM progress
  2. Discovery gives you a threat that actually may be a risk (vulnerabilities)
  3. In prioritization, you ordered your to-do list to mitigate risk efficiently
  4. In the validation step, you need to find out if the risk is real or if mitigation techniques can be applied without any damage to the core business.

Validation is a manual or automatic process?


To be effective, a combination of both manual and automatic validation methods must be utilized.

Automatic validation involves using tools to identify vulnerabilities, assess their exploitability, and simulate potential attacks.

On the other hand, manual validation is a human-driven process that can identify unique risks not captured by automated means.

How to apply validation in CTEM?

Breach attack simulation (BAS) services, risk scoring tools and continuous vulnerability scanning services work like a security control validation tool can help organizations to create a validation process with ease.

The following steps can help in incorporating proper validation practices within the CTEM framework:

  1. Automated / Continuous Scans: Implement regular scans of your systems
  2. Simulations : Use BAS scenarios to test and identify any gaps or weaknesses.
  3. Manual Reviews: Conduct manual reviews of critical systems.

Challenges in CTEM Validation Steps

Implementing an effective validation process within the CTEM framework can be challenging due to the following reasons:

  • Limited Resources: Lack of resources, both in terms of budget and skilled personnel
  • False Positives: Some automated tools may generate false positives, leading to unnecessary delays and confusion.
  • Manual Process: Manual validation can be time-consuming, prone to human error and channeling technical tasks.

Do not forget to give a try our free cloud security services to set up your CTEM process with a few clicks.

See you in our next tutorial on CTEM next step: mobilization.

Keep safe!

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