Security for everyone

Why Web Application Security Testing Must be Part of QA Testing


Security for Everyone


With the increasing number of cyber threats, web application security testing has become one of the most critical aspects of maintaining security integrity. Protecting user data and confidential corporate assets should be a priority for any organization, and security testing has become the need of the hour. However, not everyone in a company realizes the importance of including web application security testing in their QA process. In this blog, we will discuss why web application security testing should be a part of QA testing, and the risks a company can face if they don’t implement it.

1. The increasing need for Web Application Security Testing

Companies that offer online services are on the rise, and those services are vulnerable to a wide range of attacks like SQL Injections, Cross Site Scripting, and DoS attacks. It's vital to be vigilant when it comes to web application security because a single vulnerability can jeopardize your company's reputation, data confidentiality, and financial stability. That's why web application security testing should be a part of regular QA testing.

2. Compliance Requirements in Various Industries

Several industries have regulations that require them to conduct security testing. For example, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandate online service providers to conduct security testing, making it imperative for companies in such industries to perform web application security testing. Noncompliance can result in legal penalties and severe loss of reputation.

3. Threats increase day by day

Cyber threats are evolving very quickly, and vulnerabilities that were previously unknown are discovered and exploited every day. Modern techniques implemented by attackers are sophisticated and difficult to identify without proper testing, which makes web application security testing a vital part of standard QA testing. Without the proper inclusion of security testing, a company is unnecessarily exposing itself to risks it can't quantify or defend against.

4. Protecting Corporate Assets is a Priority

Data is valuable, and losing control of it can cause catastrophic damage to an organization. It is vital to realize that web application security testing can help protect not just the data hosted on your organization's servers, but also corporate assets such as intellectual property and sensitive business information. Without adequate testing, your organization is putting itself at risk.

5. Reducing Costs

Fixing security vulnerabilities that become visible to attackers can be very expensive. It can include forensic analysis, downtime costs, legal fees, and eventually the loss of customer trust. By performing security testing, you proactively reduce these costs. Fixing issues before they become a problem implies that you have a smaller window for mitigation, reducing the potential for wider financial damage and exposure of your company.

Web Application Security Testing must be a crucial aspect of QA testing in modern software development. Protecting your user's data, company assets, and complying with industry standards are all compelling reasons to include testing in your QA process. In today's world, exposing your systems to attack is a risk that no company can afford to take. By investing in security testing, your company can be proactive, reduce costs, and minimize risks.

If you think you need a penetration testing, you can always advise to our cybersecurity experts to request a pentest service or any other questions.

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