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CVE-2023-26347 Scanner

Detects 'Authentication Bypass' vulnerability in Adobe Coldfusion affects v. 2023.5 and earlier, 2021.11 and earlier


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Estimated Time

10 sec

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Domain, Ipv4



Adobe ColdFusion is a powerful platform for building modern web applications, used by developers worldwide to quickly create and deploy dynamic internet applications. It simplifies the connection between HTML pages and a database, making it a popular choice for creating large-scale e-commerce sites, data-driven websites, and intranets. Developed by Adobe Systems, ColdFusion provides an integrated development environment and a scripting language (CFML) that offers developers a mix of simplicity, power, and integration capabilities. This software is critical for businesses requiring robust web applications that can handle complex processes and integrate with various systems. The vulnerability identified affects versions 2023.5 and earlier, as well as 2021.11 and earlier, highlighting the need for continuous monitoring and updates.

The identified vulnerability in Adobe ColdFusion represents a significant security risk, classified under CVE-2023-26347. It stems from an improper access control flaw that allows for an authentication bypass, permitting unauthenticated attackers to access administrative CFM and CFC endpoints without any user interaction. This vulnerability does not only bypass security features but also exposes sensitive administrative functionalities to potentially malicious actors. Given its high severity rating, it underscores the importance of stringent security controls and regular updates to mitigate unauthorized access risks.

The technical crux of CVE-2023-26347 lies in its exploitation of the Improper Access Control within Adobe ColdFusion. Specifically, attackers can craft HTTP requests to access the CFIDE/adminapi/administrator.cfc endpoint, invoking methods like getBuildNumber without authentication. This exploitation path does not necessitate any form of user interaction, highlighting a critical oversight in access controls. Successful exploitation allows attackers to bypass authentication mechanisms, directly threatening the integrity and confidentiality of the affected systems. This vulnerability showcases the critical need for secure configuration and the enforcement of access controls in web applications.

The exploitation of this Authentication Bypass vulnerability could have severe consequences for affected organizations. Attackers gaining unauthorized access to administrative endpoints could manipulate web application settings, deploy malicious code, or extract sensitive information, leading to data breaches. This could also enable further attacks, compromise user accounts, and disrupt services. The impact extends beyond immediate data loss or service disruption, potentially harming an organization's reputation, customer trust, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Leveraging the security scanning capabilities of securityforeveryone can provide invaluable insights into vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-26347, enhancing your cybersecurity defense. Our platform's comprehensive scanning services help identify and mitigate potential threats before they can be exploited, offering peace of mind and a more secure digital environment. By becoming a member, you gain access to continuous monitoring, expert remediation guidance, and a suite of tools designed to protect your assets against the evolving landscape of cyber threats. Secure your applications and data with securityforeveryone, and ensure your operations remain resilient against unauthorized access and other security vulnerabilities.



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