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CVE-2020-17518 Scanner

Detects 'Path Traversal' vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache Flink affects v. 1.5.1 to 1.11.2.


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30 sec

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CVE-2020-17518 Scanner Detail

Apache Flink is a powerful distributed computing framework designed to process large volumes of data. It is an open-source software that supports both batch and stream processing and boasts an incredibly fast processing speed. Apache Flink has become a popular tool in the data processing industry for its ability to handle complex data analytics tasks in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

CVE-2020-17518 is a vulnerability that was discovered in Apache Flink 1.5.1, which allows an attacker to upload and write arbitrary files to the server. This vulnerability is caused by a flaw in the software's REST handler, which fails to properly validate user input. This means that a malicious user could potentially execute unauthorized code on the server, leading to a range of serious consequences.

If exploited, this vulnerability could lead to the complete compromise of a server running Apache Flink 1.5.1, thereby exposing any sensitive information that the server may hold. This may include personally identifiable information, financial information, or other confidential data. Additionally, an attacker could use the compromised server to launch further attacks against other systems or networks.

In conclusion, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest vulnerabilities in all of your digital assets. With the pro features of the platform, you can easily and quickly identify any potential vulnerabilities and take the necessary steps to protect your business and customers. Don't become a victim of cybercrime, stay informed and stay protected.



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