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CVE-2022-25489 Scanner

Detects 'Cross-Site Scripting' vulnerability in Atom CMS affects v. 2.0


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10 sec

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Atom CMS version 2.0 is a content management system designed to provide users with an easy-to-use platform for managing and publishing web content. This CMS is utilized by website owners, bloggers, and digital content creators to build and maintain dynamic websites. It offers features such as customizable templates, user management, and content organization tools. Atom CMS aims to streamline the web development process, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The platform is widely adopted for its user-friendly interface and flexible customization options.

CVE-2022-25489 highlights a medium severity reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability present in Atom CMS version 2.0. This vulnerability is located in the A parameter of the /widgets/debug.php file. XSS vulnerabilities allow attackers to execute malicious scripts in the browsers of unsuspecting users, which can lead to unauthorized actions being performed, data theft, and session hijacking. The presence of this vulnerability poses a significant risk to the integrity and confidentiality of user data and interactions with the affected web application.

The XSS vulnerability in Atom CMS v2.0 allows attackers to inject malicious JavaScript code through the A parameter in the /widgets/debug.php path. When this malicious code is executed in a victim's browser, it can perform a wide range of malicious activities, such as stealing cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information stored in the browser. The vulnerability stems from the application's failure to adequately sanitize user-supplied input, allowing attacker-controlled scripts to be embedded within web pages rendered by the server. This oversight enables attackers to craft URLs that, when visited by other users, execute the injected scripts within the context of the application's domain.

Exploitation of this XSS vulnerability can lead to a variety of adverse effects, including theft of sensitive information, unauthorized access to user accounts, and manipulation of web page content. Attackers may leverage this vulnerability to perform actions on behalf of victims, redirect users to malicious sites, or deface the web application. The impact of such attacks can range from minor nuisances to severe security breaches, potentially compromising the security and privacy of the application's users.

By leveraging the security scanning services offered by SecurityForEveryone, users can identify and address vulnerabilities like CVE-2022-25489 in their web applications. Our platform provides comprehensive vulnerability assessments, enabling organizations to detect security flaws early and implement effective remediation strategies. Subscribing to SecurityForEveryone ensures continuous monitoring and protection against a wide array of security threats, enhancing an organization's overall cybersecurity posture and safeguarding valuable digital assets against potential attacks.



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