Security for everyone

CVE-2023-20198 Scanner

Detects 'Authentication Bypass' vulnerability in Cisco IOS XE that allows remote attackers to gain control of the system.


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one

Domain, Ipv4



Cisco IOS XE is a highly flexible and feature-rich network operating system that powers a wide range of enterprise and service provider networking solutions. It is designed to provide high availability, comprehensive security, and simplified management. This operating system is deployed on various Cisco devices, including routers and switches, to facilitate secure and efficient data communication across networks. Given its critical role in network infrastructure, vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS XE can have significant implications for network security and integrity.

CVE-2023-20198 is a critical vulnerability in the web UI feature of Cisco IOS XE Software, identified as an authentication bypass issue. This vulnerability allows remote, unauthenticated attackers to create a high-privilege account on affected systems, providing them with level 15 access. Such access could enable attackers to gain full control over the device and potentially the entire network, posing a severe security risk.

The vulnerability stems from improper authorization enforcement mechanisms within the web-based management interface of Cisco IOS XE. Attackers can exploit this flaw by sending a specially crafted HTTP request to an affected device. The exploitation does not require any form of authentication or user interaction, making it particularly dangerous and easy to exploit on devices exposed to the internet or untrusted networks.

Successful exploitation of CVE-2023-20198 could result in unauthorized access to the affected system, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary commands, alter configurations, disrupt services, or gain access to sensitive data. Given the critical nature of devices running Cisco IOS XE, this could lead to significant operational impact, including network downtime, data breaches, and a compromise of network security.

Security for everyone offers a cutting-edge platform designed to detect and manage vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-20198 in Cisco IOS XE. Our service provides detailed vulnerability assessments, real-time monitoring, and actionable remediation advice, empowering organizations to safeguard their network infrastructure against emerging threats. By subscribing to securityforeveryone, you benefit from comprehensive cyber threat exposure management, ensuring your network remains secure and resilient against sophisticated cyber attacks.



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