Security for everyone

Cisco Unified Call Manager Username Enumeration Vulnerability Scanner

Detects 'User Enumeration' vulnerability in Cisco Unified Call Manager


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one




Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM) is a software-based call-processing system developed by Cisco Systems. It is widely used by organizations to manage their voice, video, messaging, and mobility requirements. CUCM facilitates call routing, voice/video conferencing, and various other features that are crucial for enterprise communications. It serves as the foundation of Cisco's collaboration portfolio, enabling secure and scalable communication solutions for businesses of all sizes. The platform's extensive use in the corporate sector makes it a critical component for daily operations, emphasizing the importance of securing it against potential vulnerabilities.

This vulnerability scanner is designed to detect a User Enumeration vulnerability in Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM). User enumeration flaws allow attackers to identify valid usernames through differences in behavior or responses from the system, which can be a precursor to more targeted attacks. In the case of CUCM, this could allow unauthorized individuals to gain knowledge about internal users, potentially aiding in social engineering or brute-force attacks. The severity of this issue is considered medium, as it could lead to further exploitation if combined with other vulnerabilities.

The specific vulnerability allows for the unauthenticated enumeration of usernames through the CUCM's User Data Service (UDS) API. By making a GET request to the /cucm-uds/users endpoint, an attacker can retrieve an XML response containing user details such as usernames, last names, and phone numbers. This vulnerability stems from the lack of proper access controls on the UDS API, allowing for information disclosure without requiring authentication. The presence of specific XML tags such as '', '', and '' in the response can confirm the vulnerability.

Exploiting this vulnerability allows attackers to compile a list of valid usernames, which could be used in subsequent attacks, such as password spraying or phishing campaigns. This exposure increases the risk of unauthorized access to the system, potentially leading to data breaches, unauthorized call routing changes, or other malicious activities within the CUCM environment. Given the central role of CUCM in managing communications, such attacks could disrupt business operations and compromise sensitive information.

By utilizing the Cyber Threat Exposure Management service offered by SecurityForEveryone, organizations can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities like the User Enumeration flaw in Cisco Unified Call Manager. Our platform provides detailed vulnerability assessments, real-time monitoring, and actionable recommendations to enhance your cybersecurity posture. With SecurityForEveryone, you can ensure your digital assets are safeguarded against emerging threats, minimize risk exposure, and maintain compliance with industry standards, all while ensuring uninterrupted business operations.



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