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CVE-2023-20073 Scanner

Detects 'Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload' vulnerability in Cisco VPN Routers affects firmware versions before the latest security patch.


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one

Domain, Ipv4



Cisco's RV340, RV340W, RV345, and RV345P Dual WAN Gigabit VPN Routers are sophisticated networking devices designed for small businesses. These routers offer enhanced security, high-performance connectivity, and support for multiple VPN protocols, making them ideal for securing remote access and protecting sensitive data. They feature dual WAN ports for load balancing and failover, robust firewall and hardware encryption, and easy setup and management through a web-based interface. Given their critical role in securing network traffic and providing reliable connectivity, any vulnerability within these devices poses a significant risk to business operations and data security.

CVE-2023-20073 describes a critical vulnerability in the web-based management interface of the affected Cisco VPN Routers. It allows an unauthenticated, remote attacker to upload arbitrary files to the device due to inadequate authorization enforcement mechanisms. This vulnerability could enable attackers to execute malicious code or access sensitive information, severely compromising the security and integrity of the network and connected resources.

The vulnerability stems from the router's web interface, which fails to properly check the authentication or authorization of file upload requests. An attacker can exploit this by crafting a malicious HTTP request that includes an arbitrary file upload to the router. This could lead to various attacks, such as remote code execution or creating a foothold within the network to facilitate further exploitation. The absence of sufficient input validation and access control checks makes this a critical security issue.

Successful exploitation could result in remote code execution on the device, allowing attackers to gain control over the router. This could lead to unauthorized access to the network, interception or manipulation of sensitive data, disruption of network services, and potentially a complete compromise of the affected system. The impact extends beyond the immediate device, potentially endangering the entire network and the data it processes and stores.

With securityforeveryone, users gain access to an advanced cybersecurity platform that helps identify and mitigate vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-20073. Our service offers detailed vulnerability scanning, real-time monitoring, and expert remediation advice, ensuring your digital infrastructure remains secure against emerging threats. By joining our platform, you can enhance your cyber resilience, protect your assets, and maintain trust with your customers and partners.



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