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CVE-2023-4451 Scanner

Detects 'Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)' vulnerability in Cockpit affects versions prior to 2.6.4


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Single Scan

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Estimated Time

10 sec

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Cockpit is an open-source content management system (CMS) designed to manage content efficiently and flexibly, without imposing a specific frontend on developers. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for web developers and designers to manage data and content structures. The platform is particularly favored for projects that require a customizable backend without unnecessary bloat. Cockpit is used for web applications, mobile app backends, and static site generators, offering APIs for dynamic content retrieval. The vulnerability in versions before 2.6.4 can significantly impact the security of websites using Cockpit as their CMS.

CVE-2023-4451 describes a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Cockpit CMS. This vulnerability allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. By crafting a malicious URL that includes the XSS payload and convincing a user to click on it, an attacker can execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of the user's browser session. This can lead to unauthorized actions being performed, data theft, and potentially full account compromise if session cookies are accessed.

The XSS vulnerability in Cockpit is triggered via the install/index.php file, through the manipulation of URL parameters that are not properly sanitized before being included in the page content. Specifically, the space parameter can be exploited to inject malicious scripts. This lack of proper input encoding and escaping allows attackers to embed JavaScript code directly into the generated page, which is executed when the page is loaded. The flaw is particularly concerning as it does not require authenticated access to exploit, making it accessible to any attacker with knowledge of the vulnerability.

The successful exploitation of this XSS vulnerability could lead to several adverse effects including, but not limited to, session hijacking, phishing attacks, redirection to malicious sites, and the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information. It undermines the integrity and security of the affected websites, posing a significant risk to both the website operators and their users.

SecurityForEveryone's platform offers a critical advantage in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-4451. By utilizing our comprehensive vulnerability assessment tools, users can ensure their digital assets are protected against emerging threats. Our service provides detailed reports, actionable insights, and continuous monitoring, empowering users to address vulnerabilities proactively. Joining SecurityForEveryone means securing your online presence and protecting your data from potential breaches.



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