Security for everyone

CVE-2022-25497 Scanner

Detects 'Local File Inclusion' vulnerability in Cuppa CMS affects v. 1.0


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one

Domain, Ipv4



Cuppa CMS is a content management system designed for simplicity and ease of use. It is utilized by small to medium-sized businesses to manage their digital content effectively. Developed for web developers and content managers, Cuppa CMS offers a user-friendly interface that enables the quick creation, editing, and management of website content. Its flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of industries including retail, education, and non-profit organizations. The vulnerability in question affects version 1.0 of this software.

The Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability in Cuppa CMS version 1.0 allows attackers to read arbitrary files on the server. This can lead to unauthorized access and sensitive information disclosure. If exploited, it could potentially allow for remote code execution by including malicious files in requests. This vulnerability highlights the importance of validating and sanitizing user inputs in web applications.

In Cuppa CMS version 1.0, the vulnerability is present in the file manager API where the copy function allows for arbitrary file read. By crafting a specific JSON request, an attacker can traverse the server's directory structure to access critical system files such as /etc/passwd. This is achieved through the misuse of the from parameter in the request, leading to the inclusion of files that should not be accessible via the web application.

Exploitation of this vulnerability could lead to several adverse effects including unauthorized access to sensitive information, which could compromise user privacy and security. It may also lead to remote code execution, allowing attackers to gain control over the affected server. This could result in website defacement, data theft, and further compromise of the network.

By leveraging the security scanning capabilities of the securityforeveryone platform, users can detect and address vulnerabilities like the Local File Inclusion in Cuppa CMS version 1.0. Our platform provides comprehensive vulnerability scanning and reporting tools, enabling you to secure your digital assets against potential threats. By becoming a member, you gain access to detailed vulnerability assessments, remediation guidance, and ongoing support to ensure your systems are protected against the latest security threats.



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