Security for everyone

CVE-2011-5265 Scanner

Detects 'Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)' vulnerability in Featurific plugin for WordPress affects v. 1.6.2.


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one




The Featurific plugin for WordPress is a popular plugin used for creating appealing image galleries that enhance the visual appeal of WordPress websites. This particular plugin allows users to easily manage and showcase their images in an aesthetically pleasing manner, enhancing the overall user experience. 

However, the CVE-2011-5265 vulnerability in the cached_image.php file of Featurific version 1.6.2 can potentially lead to serious security threats. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability to inject malicious web scripts or HTML into websites that are using the plugin.  Though there have been disputes about the veracity of this vulnerability, it remains a potential threat. 

When exploited, this vulnerability can lead to significant damage to the website’s reputation and user trust. Attackers can use the vulnerability to steal data, such as login credentials, credit card details, and personal information, leading to financial losses for both the website owner and users. The injection of malicious code can also lead to the website being blacklisted by search engines, causing it to lose visibility, traffic, and revenue. 

In conclusion, the Featurific plugin for WordPress can be an excellent tool for users to enhance the visual appeal and user experience of their WordPress websites. Still, it is crucial to be aware of the potential CVE-2011-5265 vulnerability in version 1.6.2 that can compromise the website's security. By taking the necessary precautions listed above and installing reliable security plugins, such as Security for Everyone, website owners can safeguard their digital assets against potential security breaches.



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