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CVE-2023-6831 Scanner

Detects 'Path Traversal' vulnerability in mlflow affects v. prior to 2.9.2.


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one

Domain, Ipv4



Vulnerability Overview

  • CVE Identifier: CVE-2023-6831
  • Vulnerable Component: mlflow application
  • Parameters Affected: File access and deletion endpoints
  • Issue: Path Traversal vulnerability allowing access to files outside of restricted directories.

Vulnerability Details

The CVE-2023-6831 vulnerability in the mlflow project before version 2.9.2 is a Path Traversal flaw that arises due to insufficient sanitization of user-supplied input. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by crafting malicious requests containing directory traversal sequences (\..\filename). This exploitation allows the attacker to access, read, or manipulate files outside of the restricted directory that the web application intends to access. This vulnerability specifically affects the mlflow's artifact handling functionality, where artifacts are intended to be securely managed within specific directories. By exploiting the path traversal flaw, an attacker could manipulate URLs or POST data to escape out of the intended directory and potentially access sensitive files on the server, such as configuration files, source code, or even system files, depending on the server's file system permissions.

Possible Effects

The exploitation of the CVE-2023-6831 vulnerability can have several significant impacts on an organization:

  1. Data Breach: Sensitive data stored in files accessible to the mlflow application could be exposed to unauthorized users. This might include confidential business data, personal information of users, or credentials stored in configuration files.

  2. System Compromise: If system files or executables are accessed or modified, it could lead to a complete system compromise. An attacker could potentially escalate privileges or deploy malicious payloads, leading to further exploitation.

  3. Service Disruption: Manipulating or deleting critical files could disrupt the mlflow service or related applications, affecting availability and potentially leading to denial of service (DoS).

  4. Reputation Damage: A successful exploitation could damage the organization's reputation, leading to loss of trust among customers and users, which might have long-term effects on business operations and revenue.

  5. Regulatory and Compliance Implications: Data breaches involving personal or sensitive information could result in regulatory fines and legal challenges, especially if the organization is subject to data protection regulations like GDPR or HIPAA.

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