Security for everyone

CVE-2022-35653 Scanner

Detects 'Cross-Site Scripting' vulnerability in Moodle LTI module affects various versions.


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one

Domain, Ipv4



Moodle is a widely adopted open-source learning management system (LMS) used by educational institutions and organizations globally to create online learning portals. It supports a wide range of activities and resources, providing educators and students with a flexible and user-friendly e-learning platform. Moodle's LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) module facilitates integration with external learning tools and content, enhancing the learning experience. As an essential tool in the digital learning environment, Moodle's security is critical for safeguarding educational content and user data.

The reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Moodle's LTI module, identified as CVE-2022-35653, arises from insufficient input sanitization. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML via a crafted URL, potentially leading to unauthorized access to sensitive information, session hijacking, and other malicious actions performed on behalf of the user.

CVE-2022-35653 specifically targets the LTI module's auth.php file, where user-supplied input is not adequately sanitized before being included in the webpage. This flaw enables attackers to embed malicious scripts in the URL parameters, which are executed in the victim's browser upon accessing the compromised link. The vulnerability poses a significant risk to users by exploiting the trust relationship between the user and the Moodle platform.

Exploitation of this XSS vulnerability could lead to various adverse effects, including stealing of cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information, impersonation of user actions, redirection to malicious websites, and potentially leveraging the vulnerability to launch further attacks. It undermines the security and integrity of the Moodle platform and can significantly impact the privacy and safety of its users.

Security for Everyone (S4E) provides a comprehensive security scanning solution that can identify vulnerabilities like CVE-2022-35653 in Moodle. By utilizing S4E's services, educational institutions and organizations can proactively detect and remediate security weaknesses, ensuring the protection of their digital learning environments. Membership with S4E offers ongoing security assessments, expert remediation guidance, and enhanced cyber resilience, safeguarding against potential cyber threats.



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