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CVE-2023-3843 Scanner

Detects 'Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)' vulnerability in mooSocial mooDating affects v. 1.2


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Estimated Time

10 sec

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mooSocial's mooDating 1.2 is an online dating platform designed to facilitate social interactions and connections. It is primarily used by individuals looking to find romantic partnerships or friendships. This software serves as a comprehensive tool for creating dating profiles, matching with other users, and communicating through messages and forums. Organizations and individuals running community-focused websites also use mooDating to add a social dating feature to their online presence. The platform's ease of use and integration capabilities make it a popular choice among web developers looking to add a dating component to their social networking sites.

The Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in mooSocial's mooDating 1.2 arises due to improper sanitization of user input in the URL handler component. Specifically, the issue occurs in the /matchmakings/question file, where malicious scripts can be injected through crafted URLs. When executed, these scripts can perform actions on behalf of the victim, leading to unauthorized access to user data or manipulation of user sessions. As a result, attackers can exploit this vulnerability to compromise user privacy and integrity within the platform.

In mooSocial's mooDating 1.2, the vulnerability is located within the URL handler for the matchmaking questions feature. The endpoint /matchmakings/question fails to properly sanitize input, allowing for the injection of malicious JavaScript code. This vulnerability is triggered when a user visits a specially crafted URL containing the malicious script. The injected script is executed in the context of the user's browser session, which could lead to unauthorized actions being taken on the user's behalf. The exploitation of this vulnerability requires some interaction from the user, such as clicking on a malicious link.

The exploitation of the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in mooSocial's mooDating 1.2 can lead to several adverse effects. Attackers could steal cookies and session tokens, impersonate users, redirect users to malicious sites, and manipulate website content. This could compromise user security and privacy, damage the reputation of the platform, and lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information. Additionally, the breach of trust could result in a decrease in user engagement and trust in the platform.

By joining the securityforeveryone platform, you gain access to comprehensive cyber threat exposure management services that help identify and mitigate vulnerabilities like the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) found in mooSocial's mooDating 1.2. Our platform's security scanning tools are designed to uncover potential threats and configuration errors, offering actionable insights and recommendations to strengthen your digital assets against cyberattacks. With securityforeveryone, you ensure continuous protection and compliance, keeping your online presence secure and trustworthy for your users.



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