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CVE-2023-27922 Scanner

Detects 'Cross-Site Scripting' vulnerability in Newsletter < 7.6.9 affects versions prior to 7.6.9.


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Estimated Time

10 sec

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Domain, Ipv4



The Newsletter plugin for WordPress is a powerful tool designed to create, send, manage, and track email newsletters within your WordPress site. Widely utilized by website administrators and marketers, this plugin offers a user-friendly interface for crafting engaging email content, managing subscriber lists, and analyzing campaign performance. Its integration with WordPress allows for seamless user experience and enhanced functionality, making it an essential tool for digital marketing strategies. Developed by The Newsletter Plugin team, it aims to facilitate effective communication between WordPress site owners and their audience, thereby enhancing customer engagement and content marketing efforts.

CVE-2023-27922 is a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability found in versions of the Newsletter plugin prior to 7.6.9. This vulnerability arises due to the plugin's failure to properly escape generated URLs before embedding them into the page, thereby allowing malicious scripts to be injected and executed in the context of an administrator's session. This flaw can be exploited by an attacker to perform actions on behalf of the administrator, steal sensitive information, or compromise the security of the site.

The issue is specifically related to the handling of URLs in the Newsletter plugin's administrative interface. By manipulating URL parameters, an attacker can inject malicious JavaScript code that is executed when the affected page is loaded by an administrator. The vulnerability is triggered through crafted requests to the admin.php page, utilizing parameters that are improperly sanitized before being included in the output. This lack of proper sanitization and output encoding exposes administrators to potential XSS attacks, undermining the security of the WordPress site.

The exploitation of this XSS vulnerability can lead to several adverse outcomes, including the theft of session cookies, impersonation of privileged users, unauthorized actions performed on the WordPress site, and the potential disclosure of sensitive information. In a worst-case scenario, an attacker could gain complete control over the affected WordPress site, leading to data breaches, site defacement, or the distribution of malware to site visitors.

Joining securityforeveryone provides access to comprehensive security scanning solutions that can identify vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-27922 in your digital assets. Our platform offers detailed reports, actionable remediation advice, and ongoing monitoring services to protect your online presence from emerging threats. By leveraging our expertise, you can enhance your site's security, ensure regulatory compliance, and build trust with your audience. Invest in your cybersecurity posture today with securityforeveryone and safeguard your digital ecosystem.



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