Security for everyone

CVE-2023-39109 Scanner

Detects 'Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)' vulnerability in rConfig affects v. 3.9.4


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

10 sec

Scan only one

Domain, Ipv4



rConfig is a network device configuration management software used by network engineers to automate the process of taking backups, documenting, and changing configurations of network devices. It is widely utilized in IT environments to manage devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls. rConfig is designed to simplify network management tasks, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce the risk of manual errors in network configuration processes. It supports a broad range of device manufacturers and models, making it a versatile tool for diverse network ecosystems. By providing a centralized platform for configuration management, rConfig helps organizations maintain an optimal and secure network infrastructure.

The vulnerability in question is a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) found in version 3.9.4 of rConfig. This security flaw allows authenticated users to send crafted requests that can force the server to make arbitrary requests to internal or external resources. SSRF vulnerabilities are particularly dangerous as they can enable attackers to access and interact with services that are only reachable from the vulnerable server, potentially leading to sensitive information disclosure, service disruption, or further exploitation. This vulnerability underscores the importance of proper input validation and the principle of least privilege in web application security.

The SSRF vulnerability in rConfig 3.9.4 is specifically found in the doDiff function of the /classes/compareClass.php file, through the path_a parameter. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by crafting a URL that, when processed by the server, results in unauthorized requests being made on behalf of the server. This could include accessing files on the server itself (file:// protocol) or making requests to internal network services. The lack of proper validation for the path_a parameter enables the server to fetch resources from arbitrary URLs, leading to potential information disclosure or internal network probing by malicious actors.

Exploitation of this SSRF vulnerability could lead to several adverse effects, including unauthorized access to sensitive files on the server, internal network reconnaissance, and interaction with internal services that could lead to further compromise of the network infrastructure. In severe cases, attackers could leverage this vulnerability to move laterally within the network, accessing restricted areas and obtaining sensitive information. This poses a significant risk to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the network and its resources.

By leveraging the security scanning capabilities of the SecurityForEveryone platform, users can proactively identify and mitigate vulnerabilities like the SSRF flaw in rConfig. Our platform offers comprehensive scanning that integrates seamlessly with your existing security workflows, providing detailed insights into potential vulnerabilities and configuration errors. With continuous monitoring and timely alerts, SecurityForEveryone empowers organizations to strengthen their cyber defense, minimize the risk of exploitation, and ensure regulatory compliance. Joining our platform grants access to an array of tools designed to safeguard your digital assets, making cybersecurity management more accessible and effective.



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