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CVE-2023-30013 Scanner

Detects 'Unauthenticated Command Injection' vulnerability in TOTOLink X5000R Firmware versions V9.1.0u.6118_B20201102 and V9.1.0u.6369_B20230113.


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10 sec

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Domain, Ipv4



The TOTOLink X5000R is a high-performance router designed for home and small office use. It offers advanced features such as dual-band Wi-Fi for improved wireless coverage, multiple connectivity options, and enhanced security mechanisms to protect network communications. The firmware versions V9.1.0u.6118_B20201102 and V9.1.0u.6369_B20230113 are specifically designed to provide users with stable and secure internet access, while also enabling various network management functions. This router is widely used due to its reliability, ease of setup, and comprehensive functionality aimed at enhancing user experience and network security.

CVE-2023-30013 identifies a critical unauthenticated command injection vulnerability present in specific firmware versions of the TOTOLink X5000R router. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the router without needing authentication, through the command parameter in the setTracerouteCfg setting. This flaw exposes the router to potential unauthorized access, data manipulation, or complete system compromise, posing a significant security risk to the network infrastructure and connected devices.

The vulnerability is triggered by sending a specially crafted POST request to the /cgi-bin/cstecgi.cgi endpoint, which improperly handles input validation for the command parameter within the setTracerouteCfg function. By appending shell commands after a legitimate traceroute command, attackers can inject and execute malicious commands on the device's operating system. This issue highlights the critical need for stringent input validation and sanitization in firmware development to prevent command execution vulnerabilities.

Exploiting this vulnerability could lead to complete router compromise, unauthorized access to the network, interception and manipulation of network traffic, installation of malware, and potential lateral movement within the network infrastructure. For users and organizations, this could result in sensitive data breaches, loss of network availability, and exposure to further cyber-attacks, severely impacting privacy, security, and operational continuity.

By utilizing the comprehensive security scanning services offered by securityforeveryone, users can proactively detect and mitigate vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-30013 in their digital infrastructure. Our platform's detailed vulnerability assessments, real-time monitoring, and expert remediation guidance empower users to strengthen their cybersecurity defenses, maintain compliance, and protect against evolving cyber threats. Join securityforeveryone today to ensure your network and digital assets remain secure and resilient against unauthorized access and cyber-attacks.



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