Security for everyone

Free and Online Website Security Checker


Security for Everyone


Are you concerned about the security of your website? Do you know for sure that your website is secure? If not, you need to use a security checker.

A security scanner will help you identify any vulnerabilities on your website and fix them before they can be exploited by hackers. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using a security Checker and introduce you to one of the best free scanners available online.

5 Benefits of Using a Website Security Checker

  1. It will identify any security vulnerabilities on your website: A security checker can identify a wide range of security flaws, including weak passwords, configuration mistakes, outdated software, unpatched security holes, OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities more. By regularly running security scans on your website, you can make sure that any vulnerabilities are identified and fixed before they can be exploited by hackers.
  2. It saves time: Using a security scanner is much faster than manually checking your website's security. With the right security scanner, you can quickly scan large portions of your website and receive comprehensive reports on any security vulnerabilities in minutes.
  3. It is cost-effective: Finding a vulnerability before any security breach is much more cost-effective. A security scanner can save you money by finding security flaws before they can hurt your website, your business, and your reputation.
  4. It is easy to use: Security scanners must be designed to be user-friendly, so even those without technical knowledge can easily run security scans.
  5. It can be automated: Many security scanners offer the ability to set up automated security scans, allowing you to schedule security checks at predetermined times. This way, you don't have to remember to run security scans manually.

Top 10 Free and Online Security Checker for Websites

In security for everyone we have 2000+ security checks that can be used for free.

With so many checks available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But rest assured, they're all online, free, and easy to use.

Before giving some examples do not forget to add and verify your asset. With verifying ownership, you will able to be sure that only you will detect vulnerabilities of your apps using security for everyone. Go to the asset manager, add your asset and verify using one of the methods that we offer.

For all of the vulnerabilities listed below, follow the same steps.

  • Go to the vulnerability detail, just click the vulnerability name listed below. Sample page screen will be like that:
  • Write the URL of the webpage you want to check, if you need to scan a form, write the page containing the form.
  • Click scan

1. Free SQL Injection Checker

This security scanner can help you detect and protect against SQL injection attacks. It's a great tool for security professionals and website owners who want to identify any potential security vulnerabilities.

2. XSS Checker

This security scanner can help you detect and protect against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It's an essential security tool for security professionals and website owners.

3. CSRF Vulnerability Checker

This security scanner helps you identify CSRF attacks so that you can take the necessary steps to protect your website. It's an essential tool for anyone who is responsible for keeping a website safe.

4.File Inclusion Vulnerability Checker

File Inclusion attacks are a common security threat, but this scanner can help you detect and protect against them. It's an essential tool for security professionals and website owners.

5. Command Injection Vulnerability Checker

This security scanner is vital for website owners and security professionals as it can help detect and protect against Command Injection attacks.

6.CRLF Injection Vulnerability Checker

This CRLF attack scanner can help you keep your website safe from hackers by detecting and protecting against these types of attacks.

7.Fast SQL Injection Vulnerability Checker

This security scanner can help you detect and protect against SQL injection attacks. It's a great tool for security professionals and website owners who want to identify any potential security vulnerabilities.

8.SSRF Vulnerability Checker

This security scanner is a must-have for anyone looking to protect their website from SSRF attacks. It's quick, easy to use, and really effective at detecting and stopping attacks.

9.XXE Vulnerability Checker

XXE attacks can be devastating for websites and their owners. This security scanner will help you detect them so that you can protect your site.

10.Open Redirect Vulnerability Checker

The Open Redirect security scanner can help you find and avoid possible attacks. It's a vital safety precaution for anyone who owns or is responsible for a website.

cyber security services for everyone one. Free security tools, continuous vulnerability scanning and many more.
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