Security for everyone

The Unknown Danger: Clicking Unknown Links


Security for Everyone


In the emails, videos, social platforms, SMS, messages, apps links, links, links ...

Links are everywhere. And we click them. Every day. Most of the time without even thinking about it. We've all been trained to click links without a second thought - after all, what's the harm in following a link?

However, there is a potential danger in clicking on links, especially if you don't know where they lead. By clicking on a link, you could be taken to a malicious website that looks identical to a legitimate site. Once on the site, you may be prompted to enter personal information or download a file that contains malware.

What is the worst thing that could happen if you click an unknown link?

The worst thing that could happen if you click an unknown link is that your all system whether a laptop or a mobile device can be hijacked by hackers. After that, the attacker's only barrier is your hardware and operating system. It can be used by attackers if they have a camera or mic. Always keep in mind that if you're using a completely compromised device, attackers are more likely to be authorized than a typical user.

This is a frightening but all-too-real possibility, which every homeowner should be aware of.

You've made the first step into the realm of offensive cyber security if you're wondering how to do it. There are several highly technical methods that we don't cover in this blog post.

What are the other risks if you click a unknown link?

There are many other risks if you click on an unknown link. Some of these risks include:

  • You could be taken to a phishing website that is designed to steal your personal information, such as your login credentials or credit card numbers.
  • You could download a file that contains malware, which can infect your computer or mobile device and allow attackers to gain control over it.
  • You could be redirected to a pay-per-click (PPC) website, where you may be prompted to enter your credit card information in order to continue.
  • You could be taken to an advertising website that uses cookies to track your browsing history and target you with ads.

All of these risks are serious, and they highlight the importance of being careful when clicking on links, even if you think you know where they lead.

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

There are a few steps you can take to protect yourself from the risks associated with clicking on unknown links:

  • Be cautious of links that are sent to you via email, social media, or text message. If you don't know the sender, or if the message seems suspicious, don't click on the link.
  • When hovering over a link, take a moment to look at the URL to see where it will actually take you. If the URL looks suspicious, don't click on it.
  • If you're unsure about a website, do a quick Google search to see if there have been any reports of it being a phishing site or containing malware.
  • Use a reputable anti-malware program, and keep it up to date. This will help to protect your computer or mobile device from malware.
  • Be careful of shortened URLs, such as those from or These can be used to disguise the actual destination of a link, so it's best to avoid them altogether.

By following these steps, you can help to protect yourself from the risks associated with clicking on unknown links.

Also if you need to sharpen your cyber security skill use our free security quizzes in the awareness kit product.

Stay safe out there!

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