Security for everyone

Use security.txt To Help Researchers Report Vulnerabilities


Security for Everyone


Security.txt to help researchers report vulnerabilities. By adding a simple text file to your website's root directory, you can provide researchers with all the contact information they need to report any vulnerabilities they may find. This easy step can help keep your website safe and secure from potential attacks.

Do you want to help improve the security of the Internet? If so, have you considered reporting any vulnerabilities that you've discovered?

Whether it's a website or an application, there are plenty of things out there that could use some improvement. However, if no one ever reports them, they will never get fixed. That's where responsible disclosure comes in.

Responsible disclosure is when someone discovers a vulnerability but instead of exploiting it, they report it responsibly to the people who can fix it. Unfortunately though, doing this isn't always easy because reporting vulnerabilities isn't as straightforward as it should be. Many times responsible disclosure requires hours spent looking for contact information and sending emails only to wait days (or longer) for a response with no guarantee that the vulnerability will ever get fixed.

This is where security.txt comes in to help make things easier for everyone involved. The idea behind security.txt is simple: all websites have a text file that contains contact information for reporting vulnerabilities, which makes it easy for researchers to find and report any issues they may discover without needing to spend hours trying to find the right person who can fix it. This helps keep your site safe from attacks while helping improve the security of the Internet as a whole at the same time!

What is security.txt and how does it work?

Security.txt is a simple text file that contains contact information for researchers who want to report vulnerabilities they may find. This makes it easy for them to get in touch with the right people who can fix the issue, without needing to spend hours trying to track down the right contact information. You can read a detailed brief from our what is the security.txt? blog post.

How can you create a security.txt file for your website or app?

To create a security.txt file for your website or app, all you need to do is add a text file to your website's root directory with the following sample information:


Expires: 2026-01-28T11:58:00.000Z



Preferred-Languages: en


What are some benefits of using security.txt?

It makes it easy for researchers to report vulnerabilities responsibly and it helps improve the security of the Internet as a whole.

The advantage of using security.txt is that it makes it easy for researchers to report vulnerabilities responsibly. By providing a simple way for researchers to contact the right people, security.txt helps keep your website safe from potential attacks. In addition, by helping improve the security of the Internet as a whole, security.txt can help make the Web a safer place for everyone.

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